Thursday, August 13, 2009

Overcoming Disappontments

Wow...this came at the right time. I received this message on Facebook after getting some disappointing news that my parents have finally filed for divorce and that my father has decided to use the money that should have gone to me after my car was totaled as the means to pay for the divorce. It's just a sad thing when you even trust your own family members. I literally made list of the people in my life that I can, without a doubt in my mind, trust completely and trust me, it's not long. Only 11 people made the cut. Well anyways, I was starting to get upset when this message came to me. It is entitled "Overcoming Disappointments":

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past"
(Isaiah 43:18, NIV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Every person, no matter how much faith they have or how good a person they are will face disappointments. It may be something simple like not getting that promotion you really hoped for, or not closing that big deal you worked so hard on. Maybe you didn't qualify for a house you really wanted. Or, it may be something more serious like a relationship not working out, the death of a loved one, or some kind of illness in your body. Whatever it may be, the reality is that we’re all going to suffer some setbacks. But I believe one of the main keys to overcoming disappointments is learning to let go of the past. The past weighs you down and holds you back.

If you feel "stuck" today, you may want to examine what you're holding on to. Be willing let go of the past by choosing forgiveness. Who hurt you? Who wronged you? Release it to God. Do you need to forgive yourself? Do you need to receive God's forgiveness? Make the choice today to let go of the past so that you can experience the bright future God has in store for you!

Heavenly Father, search my heart and mind today. Show me any area where I may be holding on to the past. Help me to receive Your forgiveness so that I can extend forgiveness to others and move forward in the wonderful plan You have for me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

I hope this elightens you and offers guidance in some parts of your lives, because it did for me.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Millisecond Glance

Our eyes meet and
for one millisecond...
time stops...
nothing moving.
nothing matters
but the electricity between
2 pair of glassy eyed stares
rapt in vigorous conversation
divulging secrets we dare not
tell aloud...
secrets of heartache and unclosed
doors and requited but unreturned love...
then the moment breaks.
and we look away knowing
that in the history of moments
there will never be another
like it. From one millisecond
glance, we know each other better
than we could have anticipated
and the air will forever hold
our secret…forever…